Confirmation of €50-€100 HexaPro changes

Last month, we covered The state of €50-€100 HexaPro games and I teased for some potential upcoming changes to the game. Today, I’ll confirm the game mechanics we’ve settled on.

The go-live date is not confirmed just yet, but we hope to have it ready in little over a month.

Summary of key changes

  1. 1.5x minimum multiplier becomes 2x. We’re – for the €50 and €100 stakes – moving away from our very unique multiplier distribution with 1.5x as the smallest potential prizepool.
  2. Rake is lowered from 6.853% to 6%.
  3. With more money at stake in the lowest multiplier games (2x instead of 1.5x), we’re also slowing down the games with 2 minutes level up time, instead of the current 1 minute.
  4. The 25x multiplier is removed and a new 4x multiplier is added.
  5. A 10x prizepool is no longer winner takes it all but instead: 1st=8x, 2nd=1x, 3rd=1x.

New multiplier distribution

MultiplierProbability in 100k gamesProbability in %

As you might have noticed, this is still quite different to other sites. A key difference is the occurrence of the 10x multiplier, which is roughly 4 times higher than on most other sites.

New blind level up times

2x2 minutes
3x2 minutes
4x2 minutes
5x3 minutes
10x3 minutes
100x4 minutes
1000x4 minutes

Overview of all HexaPro buy-in levels across the different types

Buy-inHexaProHexaPro HighrollerHexaPro Extreme
€1YesYes (Tuesday)
€2YesYes (Tuesday)
€10YesYes (Saturday)
€20Yes (Saturday)

Visual changes

The €50 and €100 stakes will still be found under the HexaPro sub-menu, but when navigating to the higher stakes through the buy-in slider, you’ll see the Highroller logo and “min 2x” at the bottom (referring to the minimum multiplier).

The lottery colors (and table colors) have also been refreshed: